Tuesday, April 12, 2011
DIY Paint with Water
Fun to make your own paint with water pictures. Inspired Ideas has directions here. Needed are water color paper and pencils.
Saturday, April 9, 2011
Floor Cushion
Living with Punks has directions here. I love that these are INexpensive to make. I've never cared for vinyl bean bag chairs so when I found this pattern I had to make some. One I filled with foam chunks and one I filled with bean bag beans. They have a different feel but my kids love both.
**I made my own piping by cutting 1 1/2" stips (about 3) and attach them into one long piece. Fold the fabric around the rope cording and stitch tight to the rope with a zipper foot. This way you can make it to match or contrast.
Wednesday, April 6, 2011
Note Cards 3-D
Little Birdie Secrets has these brilliant note cards made from punched shapes sewed to cardstock. Love them. I found stapeling the butterfly worked lots better.